Joint pain, Muscle pain, back pain

Is pain ruling your life?

Do you have pain, that no matter what you do; medication, exercise or therapies,  it just will not go away?  Is arthritis crippling your life as well as your body?  Does your pain flare up especially when your stressed? Have you been told that there is nothing that can be done to improve your condition?
Pain is often locked into the body after an illness, trauma or upset. Using Kinesiology and other non-invasive modalities, clients have had great success with shifting long standing pain, even some that they had thought would be a life long condition.  Many clients have noticed substantial benefits even after one session.
When pain or restricted movement is from an UNKNOWN event or source, OFTEN, it is an EMOTIONAL cause.  By using muscle testing; events, traumas and emotions from your past may show up, that don’t even seem relevant or related to the current pain.  Once these emotions and blockages are cleared with differing techniques during the session, this allows the pain to start shifting, decreasing the intensity, and for some people, disappearing, in that one session.

I had a client, come in to clear some emotional baggage.  When they entered, they were severely limping, due to hip surgery. Recovery had been slower than expected. During the session, we worked on family traumas. At the end of the session, the client was no longer limping.  Both of us were in AWE! Neither of us had expected the body to react in this way. It was such a DRAMATIC and UNEXPECTED improvement!  It was WONDERFUL!



If you are suffering from pain, be it at joints (arthritic like) or in muscle (fibromyalgia), this can be a build up of CALCIUM, METALS or FLUORIDE in that area. By getting the body to release the excessive deposits and toxins from the cells, the body is then able to move as it is intended to, without pain. Magnesium baths or supplements may be helpful in reducing further build up, or reducing the pain, while the body repairs itself. If fluoride shows up as a problem for your body, I would encourage you to reduce fluoride intake.  This may require changing the quality of your water you are drinking, using a non-fluoride toothpaste and reducing the use of non-stick cookware.  Many clients have found this to make a significant improvement to pain in their knees, ankles and wrists, making life much easier!