I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I get so caught up in what I THINK I want, that I refuse to recognize the great opportunities and choices that I DO have available to me. Well life is funny. Even when you think you have no option, there are in fact SO MANY choices. We just RESTRICT what we want to see and what we think we have available. In actuality, we have an infinite number of choices available at any time. It is ONLY our limiting beliefs which inhibit our outlook, and fool us into believing that there is no other way.

So even when life presents us with something which seems unsavoury, look at it from a new direction, and see what opportunity it presents. Be opened to what life has available, even if its not in the form, or way we “wanted” or expected. Sometimes our greatest experiences come from unexpected circumstance. Embrace it! And allow more to come in!

So in the meantime, what CAN you do with those lemons if you DON’T WANT lemonade. Well here is just a small list, from endless possibilities:

  • Make something DELICIOUS to eat or drink.
  • Sanitize fridges, kitchen surfaces and waste disposal units
  • Bleach stains, clean laundry, lighten hair
  • Drink (warm) water and lemon juice. Lemons are antibacterial, anti-oxidant, antiseptic. They are rich in Vitamin C and potassium. So drinking lemon water can assist to:
    • Reduce inflammation in the body. This will help with arthritis, rheumatism, asthma and many other inflammatory conditions
    • Increase stomach acids to improve digestion
    • Balance PH. Lemons make the body more alkaline, which discourages disease and illness
    • Reduce mucus, phlegm and sore throats
    • Maximized enzyme production which stimulates the liver and helps in detoxifying
    • Break down and remove toxins and free-radicals. Lemons are a diuretic which will help flush waste from the body
    • Purify the blood
  • Keep fruits and vegetables from oxidizing and turning brown. Apply a lemon wash to:
    • apples
    • bananas
    • cauliflower

And so much more…..