

Kinesiology is a relatively new modality that started in the 1960’s. Since then, many different types of kinesiology have evolved, each adding their own techniques to the modality. It uses muscle testing, to communicate with the body to determine imbalances in the client. A practitioner applies pressure to a muscle in an arm or leg, and feels how the muscle responds. This will give an INDICATION of what is happening, and as such is called a MUSCLE INDICATOR.

The body generally has the ability to heal itself, but sometimes it gets distracted and needs to be reset. Kinesiology is a non-invasive method which uses a persons own natural intelligence to provide insight to assist the healing to take place.

I use Kinesiology to find blockages, sabotages, stuck emotions, limiting beliefs and scripts that are stopping you from healing/growing naturally. I then use tools to release these in helpĀ to bring you back to who you truly are.

My areas of expertise are MOOD elevation, Reducing PAIN, and overcoming TRAUMA.